First Time Traveling to China
Abstract: This is a brief summary of my first traveling to China. The intinerary starts from Hong Kong and later to Xiamen. This trip was done in October of 2023.
Starting point
The trip started in Helsinki, Finland. I arrived early to the international airport, around 9 pm of one Friday to be ready with all typical previous process before getting the boarding gate. The fly departured at 01:00 AM on Saturday. Tre fly time was around 12 hours until Hong Kong international airport. The local time arrival was around 5 PM.
Arriving to Hong Kong
As peruvian, I did not have any issue to enter to Hong Kong as tourist. The border checking was very smooth and friendly. In addition, the information for logistic from/to the international airport is very easily to reach, for details, please check the following link: From The Aiport to Honk-Kong City
Overnight in Hong Kong
Before my trip, several options were considered, including travel to China continental by airplane. However, the logistic and costs were more accessible traveling by train.
As commented before, the fly from Finland arrived in the evening and because the lack of know how of Hong Kong, the decision was to overninght in a hotel that is around the International airport. Thus, the unique task to do in the arrival was to identify the Shuttle service of the hotel that I selected to overnight. I recall that it was at some meters from the main airport exit, walking to the right side and waiting few minutes. If I recall well, the frequency of the shuttle service was at every 30 minutes.